Our prekindergarten program is for our students who are age four years old by September 1 of the current school year. In this program we follow a 1 teacher to 13 students ratio. The state ratio for four year old prekindergarten students is 1 teacher to 15 students. Our maximum number of students for our opening prekindergarten room will be 18 students. Eventually we will expand to include a second prekindergarten room. At this point we will be adding the possibility of an additional 21 students.
This program is designed to ensure that our students are exiting our school completely prepared for kindergarten. The curriculum will teach students the skills needed to proceed into formal education following their graduation from our program. Our prekindergarten students will experience the world through hands on experiences and fun structured learning times. Our program includes STEAM activities, literacy engagement activities, individual learning opportunities, group learning opportunities, outdoor discovery and so much more.
We have multiple scheduling options including half day prekindergarten (8am-11am), lunch bunch prekindergarten (8am-12pm), school day day prekindergarten (8am-3pm) and a full day including extended child care (7am-6pm). Since your child is part of our prekindergarten program he or she will also have the opportunity to enroll in extracurricular programs during the extended child care times following the school day. These activities are through outside programs, are only for preschool and prekindergarten students and have additional fees associated with them paid directly to the provider. These programs include Teams of Tomorrow (https://teamsoftomorrow.com/), Dance and Early Learning Youth Sports (http://www.earlylearningyouthsports.com/home-1.html). We are also working on recruiting additional options.
If you would like more information on our prekindergarten program or if you would like to schedule a tour, please contact our school office at (520)214-1200 or email our director at cbaker@bbov.org.